Tree - Array as an individual for evolutionary computation
use Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::Tree; #Hash with primitives, arity, and range for constants that multiply it
my $primitives = { sum => [2, -1, 1], multiply => [2, -1, 1], substract => [2, -1, 1], divide => [2, -1, 1], x => [0, -10, 10], y => [0, -10, 10] };
my $indi = new Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::Tree $primitives, 5 ; # Build random tree with knwo primitives # and depth up to 5
my $indi5 = $indi->clone(); #Creates a copy of the individual
print $indi3->asString(); #Prints the individual print $indi3->asXML() #Prints it as XML. See L<XML> for more info on this
Array individual for a genetic programming. Uses Direct Acyclic graphs as representation for trees, which is very convenient.
Creates a new tree
Sets values of an individual; takes a hash as input
Assigns random values to the elements
Similar to a copy ctor; creates a bitstring individual from a string composed of stuff separated by a separator
Similar to a copy ctor: creates a new individual from another one
Prints it
Prints it as XML. It prints the tree as String, which does not mean you will be able to get it back from this form. It's done just for compatibity, reading from this format will be available. In the future.
Print the list of lists that composes the tree, using prefix notation
Grows a random tree, with primitives as indicated, and a certain depth. Depth defaults to 4
This file is released under the GPL. See the LICENSE file included in this distribution, or go to
CVS Info: $Date: 2002/06/19 12:36:57 $ $Header: /cvsroot/opeal/opeal/Algorithm/Evolutionary/Individual/,v 1.4 2002/06/19 12:36:57 jmerelo Exp $ $Author: jmerelo $ $Revision: 1.4 $ $Name $